Empire City Motorcycle Club, Inc. of New York City, was founded by a group of twelve motorcycle riders in October, 1964 as a motorcycle owner/rider club. We are the oldest ongoing gay all riding...
City Cruisers is a gay male motorcycle club headquartered in New York City. Our main purpose is to provide riding opportunities for motorcyclists in a group setting. Members have a wide variety...
TheSpartan Motorcycle Clubof Baltimore, Maryland and Washington, DC, Inc. was founded on April 3, 1968 by 15 motorcyclists. It was and remains a club for motorcycle owner/operators only and it...
We are a women's motorcycle club. We have fun, ride, party, and volunteer in and around the Washington, Virginia and Maryland areas. We support the LGBTQ community and enjoy participating in...
Centaur Motorcycle Club (Centaur MC) has an enthusiastic interest in motorcycles, leather and men. There may also be consumption of adult beverages involved. The club sponsors Mid-Atlantic Leather...