List of local Firefighter & Emt motorcycle clubs near Elgin, Illinois.

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Red Knights Illinois Chapter 23
To promote motorcycle safety. To project a positive image of motorcycling. To enjoy the community of firefighters. To engage exclusively in social, charitable, and educational activities directed...


Plainfield, IL
EMS Roaddocs
The EMS Roaddocs membership is made up of individuals who work in healthcare such as Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, Respiratory Therapists and EMT's and others who are associated with healthcare who...


How We Ride: Casual Cruising
Our Interests: Firefighter & EMT, Cruisers
Janesville, WI
Axemen MC Wisconsin Chapter 1
​We are joined together by the brotherhood of firefighting and motorcycling. We ride for a good time, and to support many worth while causes and charities. F


How We Ride: Casual Cruising
Our Interests: Firefighter & EMT, Cruisers
Milwaukee, WI

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