Group News

Below are the latest news updates for our Group, Moto Gymkhana Riders of Ohio.

All Group news and announcements will be posted here.

New members welcome!

This is a new group (as of 5/24/2024). If at least a few people show interest, we can get an event going. Several years ago, I organized a moto gymkhana group in California, and it was a blast. Now that I'm located in Columbus, I'm looking to start a group here. If you like to watch motor cop rodeos or Japanese gymkhana rider competitions and would like to test your own skills, please consider joining this group. You should already have solid street riding skills, but no prior gymkhana experience is required. All types of bikes are welcome. Cheers, Jason
Steve P. Posted on: May. 26, 2024 - 1:27 am
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