In 2014, a small group of us gathered on Sunday mornings to make coffee and go on a motorcycle ride to end the weekend. What started as a group of six has now ballooned to a gathering of hundreds of two wheel enthusiasts from all over the greater Kansas City area. You can expect to see the newest motorcycles from the biggest brands, vintage bikes, scooters, bicyclists and everything in between gathering together over coffee from 7am to 7pm every Sunday. This gathering has affectionately taken on the moniker “Blip Sunday Church” by our loyal patrons.
Every Wednesday evening from Season Opener to Season Closer we host our Bike Night. This has included live music and DJ’s playing on the patio, a variety of food trucks, and ice cold beer from local breweries. A change of pace from our regular Sunday mornings, Wednesday Bike Night is a great way to break up your week, jump on your bik
Blip Roasters
1301 Woodswether Rd KCMO,
Jackson County,
Contact Us: Kansas City BMW Motorcycle Club
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